Branches - colleagues

[+] Sarkadi, Balázs Lab leader
[+] Váradi, András Head of the PXE Group, Institute of Enzymology, RCNS HAS
[+] Arányi, Tamás Head of the Gene Regulation Group, Institute of Enzymology, RCNS HAS
[+] Apáti, Ágota Head of the Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Laboratory
[+] Enyedi, Ágnes Head of the Ca2+ signaling laboratory, 2nd Institute of Pathology, Semmelweis University
[+] Hegedűs, Tamás Head of the Computational Biophysics Group, Dept. Biophysics and Radiation Biology, Semmelweis University
[+] Homolya, László Head of the Molecular Cell Biology Research Group, Institute of Enzymology, RCNS HAS
[+] Német, Katalin senior research fellow
[+] Orbán, Tamás Head of the Molecular Biology Group, Institute of Enzymology, RCNS HAS
[+] Laczka (Özvegy), Csilla Head of the OATP Research Group, Institute of Enzymology, RCNS HAS
Szakács, Gergely Head of the MDR Research Group, Institute of Enzymology, RCNS HAS
Tordai, Attila Director, Institute of Pathophysiology, Semmelweis University
[+] Várady, György Head of the FACS Laboratory
[+] Welker, Ervin Head of the CRISPR Research Group, Institute of Enzymology, RCNS HAS
Holló, Zsolt former member
Kovács, Tünde former member
Magócsi, Mária former PI
Müller, Mariann former member
Papp, Béla former member
[+] Uher, Ferenc former PI