Sarkadi, Balázs |
Lab leader |
publications |
Telbisz, Ágnes |
postdoctoral fellow |
Main field of interests: ABCs of all kinds - function and activity |
publications |
Horváth, Tamás |
biologist |
Brózik, Anna |
postdoctoral fellow |
Main field of interests: The Chemoimmune system |
publications |
Gergő, Dorottya |
MSc student |
Kovacsics, Daniella |
postdoctoral fellow |
Main field of interests: Regulation of ABC and SLC transporters |
publications |
Mészáros, Nikolett |
technician |
Tihanyi, Borbála |
postdoctoral fellow |
Main field of interests: Regulation of transporters and CYPs |
Gyebrovszy, Balázs |
technician |
Zámbó, Boglárka |
PhD Student |
Main field of interests: Red blood cells as potential tools to identify new mutations in transporters |
publications |
Mózner, Orsolya |
master student |
Current work: Studying the natural variants of ABCG2 |
Lesti, Judit |
technician |
Rieth, Katalin |
technician |
Mihály, Katalin |
technician |
Holdi, Csabáné |
technician |
Krizsán, Éva |
technician |
Mező, Kata |
technician |
Kiss, Judit |
technician |
Andrási, Lászlóné |
technician |
Andrási, Zsuzsanna |
technician |
Csályi, Éva |
technician |
Temesszentandrási Ambrus, Csilla |
PhD Student |
Szabó, Edit |
PhD Student |
Csaplár, Marianna |
PhD Student |
Hegedűs, Csilla |
PhD Student |
Cserepes, Judit |
PhD Student |
Kocsis, Zsófia |
PhD Student |
Németh, Adrienn |
research fellow |
Nerada, Zsuzsanna |
PhD Student |
Váradi, András |
Head of the PXE Group, Institute of Enzymology, RCNS HAS |
Vermes, Györgyi |
technician |
Welker, Ervin |
PhD student |
Bakos, Éva |
postdoctoral fellow |
Szakács, Gergely |
PhD student |
Klein, Izabella |
postdoctoral fellow |
PhD értekezés címe: Egyes öröklődő betegségek és rizikófaktorok molekuláris genetikei diagnosztikája, Semmelweis Egyetem, Elméleti és Klinikai Immunológiai program, 2000 |
Kern, András |
PhD student |
PhD értekezés címe: A humán MRP1 multidrog transzporter működési mechanizmusának tanulmányozása, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Természettudományi Kar, Biológiai Doktori Iskola, Klasszikus és Molekuláris Genetika Program, 2004 |
Iliás, Attila |
postdoctoral fellow |
PhD értekezés címe: A pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) öröklődő betegség molekuláris alapjai, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Természettudományi Kar, Biológiai Doktori Iskola, Klasszikus és Molekuláris Genetika Program, 2004 |
Laczka, Csilla |
MSc student |
Szentpétery, Zsófia |
PhD student |
Szeri, Flóra |
postdoctoral fellow |
PhD értekezés címe: Drosophila MRP, a high turnover model of the long human Multidrug Resistance-associated Proteins, Semmelweis University, School of Molecular Medicine, 2009 |
Fülöp, Krisztina |
postdoctoral fellow |
PhD értekezés címe: From genetic disease to protein structure: Analysis of disease associated missense mutations of the ABCC6 transporter, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Természettudományi Kar, Biológiai Doktori Iskola, Klasszikus és Molekuláris Genetika Program, 2014 |
Pomozi, Viola |
postdoctoral fellow |
PhD értekezés címe: ABCC6: a novel protein factor in soft tissue calcification, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Természettudományi Kar, Biológiai Doktori Iskola, Immunológia Program, 2014 |
Muzsik, Ágnes |
MSc student |
szakdolgozat címe: Vad típusú és mutáns Drosophila multidrog rezisztencia-asszociált fehérje (DMRP) funkcionális jellemzése, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Természettudományi Kar, Biokémia Tanszék, 2010 |
Peter, Bertold |
postdoctoral fellow |
Szabó, Zalán |
postdoctoral fellow |
Pretcz, Mónika |
postdoctoral fellow |
Huszár, Krisztina |
MSc student |
szakdolgozat címe: ABCC6 misszensz mutánsok a Pseudoxanthoma elasticum molekuláris biológiai hátterében, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Természettudományi Kar, Genetika tanszék, 2008 |
Gyergyák, Hella |
MSc student |
szakdolgozat címe: A humán ABCC6 membránfehérje N-terminális régióinak szerepe a fehérje lokalizációjában, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Természettudományi Kar, Molekuláris Genetika, Sejt- és Fejlődéstudomány szakirány, 2014 |
Melanie, Pieraks |
MSc student |
szakdolgozat címe:Toward the correction-type allele-specific intervention in Generalized arterial calcification of infancy (GACI); Invivo investigation of the cellular localization of ten GACI-causing ABCC6 mutants, Department V-Life Sciences and Technology-Biotechnology, Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin, University of Applied Science, 2014 |
Tőkési, Natália |
postdoctoral fellow |
2014-től csoport tag, téma: GACI, ENPP1 |
Dedinszki, Dóra |
postdoctoral fellow |
Kozák, Eszter |
PhD student |
PhD értekezés címe: In vivo preklinikai kísérletek és ellenanyag fejlesztés a pseudoxanthoma elasticum allél specifikus konformációs terápiájának klinikai vizsgálatához |
Merczel, Kinga |
MSc student |
Szakdolgozat címe: Az ABCC6 fehérje és a lágyszöveti meszesedés vizsgálata, Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Vegyészmérnöki Kar 2015 |
Arányi, Tamás |
Head of the Gene Regulation Group, Institute of Enzymology, RCNS HAS |
I joined Andras Varadi's group in 2003 as a postdoctoral fellow. My main research interests are:1/ transcriptional and epigeentic regulation (of ABCC6 gene) and 2/ dynamic epigenomic changes in vivo in reaction to environmental stress |
Dévay, Piroska |
senior research scientist |
Likó, István |
research scientist |
Caroline, Bacquet |
postdoctoral fellow |
Tihanyi, Borbála |
postdoctoral fellow |
Hugues, de_Boussac |
PhD student |
PhD értekezés címe: Transcriptional regulation of the human ABCC6 gene, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Természettudományi Kar, Biológiai Doktori Iskola, Klasszikus és Molekuláris Genetika Program, 2010 |
Vető, Borbála |
PhD student |
PhD értekezés címe: Transcriptional and genome-wide epigenetic changes upon environmental stress, 2018 |
Luca, Pagliaroli |
PhD student |
Symmons, Orsolya |
MSc student |
szakdolgozat címe: The transcriptional and genomic heterogeneity of the human ABCC6 genes, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Természettudományi Kar, Bikémiai tanszék, 2007 |
Bardóczy, Viola |
MSc student |
Diploma munka címe: Az ABCC6 promóter metilációjának vizsgálata a gén expressziójának függvényében, Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem, Mezőgazdasági Kémiai Technológiai Tanszék 2004 |
Halász Csenge, Zsuzsa |
MSc student |
Diplomamunka címe: Éheztetett és újraetetett egerek DNS-metilációs változásainak bioinformatikai elemzése, Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Vegyészmérnöki és Biomérnöki Kar Alkalmazott Biotechnológia és Élelmiszer-tudományi Tanszék, 2018 |
Sárközi, Ágnes |
MSc student |
Köblös, Gabriella |
BSc student |
szakdolgozat címe: Rizikófaktor-e az ABCC6 gén pontmutációja a kardiovaszkuláris megbetegedésekben? Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Természettudományi Kar, Biokémiai és Molekuláris Biológiai Tanszék, 2009 |
Kiss, Eszter |
BSc student |
Apró, Anna |
research assistant |
Apáti, Ágota |
Head of the Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Laboratory |
Main field of interetst: maintainance and differentiation of pluripotent stem cells; calcium signaling; ABC transporters and stress defence |
publications |
Szebényi, Kornélia |
postdoctoral fellow |
Main field of interetst: cardiac and neural differentiation of pluripotent stem cells |
publications |
Erdei, Zsuzsa |
postdoctoral fellow |
Main field of interetst: defence of pluripotent stem cells; expression and function of ABCG2 in pluripotent stem cells |
publications |
Varga, Nóra |
postdoctoral fellow |
Main field of interetst: mezenchymal differentiation of pluripotent stem cells; disease modelling |
publications |
Berecz, Tünde |
PhD student |
Main field of interetst: cardiac and endothel differentiation of pluripotent stem cells; disease modelling |
publications |
Szabó, Eszter |
PhD student |
Main field of interetst: neural differentiation of pluripotent stem cells; disease modelling |
Reé, Dóra |
PhD student |
Main field of interetst: genetic modification of pluripotent stem cells; disease modelling |
Haraszti, Beáta |
technician |
Flóra, Juhász |
MSC student |
Bálint, Jezsó |
MSC student |
Marcell, Váradi |
BSC student |
Brigitta, Szabó |
MD student |
Németh, Andrea |
PhD student |
Péntek, Adrienn |
former PhD student |
Makó, Vera |
former postdoctoral fellow |
Sebe, Attila |
former postdoctoral fellow |
Vőfély, Gergő |
former PhD student |
Lőrinc, Réka |
former MSC student |
Buchan, Gyöngyi |
former PhD student |
Szalóki, Szilvia |
former technician |
Enyedi, Ágnes |
Head of the Ca2+ signaling laboratory, 2nd Institute of Pathology, Semmelweis University |
"I was probably his first PhD student that was called doctorandus at the time. First we met in Debrecen when him and Gárdos Tanár Úr visited the ""Orvosi Vegytani Intézet"". At that point I was working on phosphorylase kinase in which - as it turned out later - the ubiquitous calcium binding protein calmodulin was the δ subunit. All in all it happened that after that visit I left Debrecen and joint Balázs's laboratory at the National Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion in Budapest. We had a great time together working on the erythrocyte calcium pump that had been my ""pet"" protein ever since and found that calmodulin played an essential role in its regulation, as well." |
publications |
Pászty, Katalin |
PhD, senior research fellow |
Padányi, Rita |
PhD, research fellow |
Hegedűs, Luca |
PhD 2018 |
Antalffy, Géza |
PhD 2015 |
Varga Szabó, Dávid |
PhD 2010 |
Varga, Karolina |
predoc |
Hollósi, Anna |
PhD student |
Randa, Naffa |
PhD student |
Szendefyné Lór, Krisztina |
technician |
Hegedűs, Tamás |
Head of the Computational Biophysics Group, Dept. Biophysics and Radiation Biology, Semmelweis University |
We are an experimental and computation group studying ATP Binding Cassette (ABC) proteins. The altered function or expression of these proteins lead to various diseases, such as pseudoxanthoma elasticum, cystic fibrosis, diabetes mellitus type II, adrenoleukodystrophy, etc. We aim to understand the molecular level processes resulting in ABC associated disorders and design strategies to overcome the effect of the altered functional state of ABC proteins. |
URL publications |
Tordai, Hedvig |
senior research fellow |
Csizmadia, Georgina |
young research fellow |
Farkas, Bianka |
PhD student |
Tóth, Ágota |
MSc student |
Spagina, Zoltán |
MSc student |
Gyimesi, Gergely |
former member |
Sarankó, Hajnalka |
former member |
Tóth, Attila |
former member |
Jakab, Kristóf |
former member |
Szöllősi, Dániel |
former member |
András, Kinga |
former member |
László, Laura |
former member |
Homolya, László |
Head of the Molecular Cell Biology Research Group, Institute of Enzymology, RCNS HAS |
I've been having a long relationship with Balázs. First I knocked on his door in 1989 as a would-be student scientist. Then I stuck, still working on membrane transporters next door to Balázs. He has been my mentor and supervisor during my gradual and postgradual training, then my boss and advisor after my postdoc period. The main focus of my research is lately the intracellular trafficking of transporter proteins in polarized cells. |
publications |
Bartos, Zsuzsa |
PhD Student |
Trafficking of ABCG2 variants |
Hegyi, Zoltán |
PhD Student |
Transportology of ABCG proteins |
Lilienberg, Julianna |
PhD Student |
Human neural progenitor cells |
Török, György |
PhD Student |
Stem cell-derived liver cells, hepatocyte polarity |
Bézsenyi, Gyöngyi |
Technician |
Szabó, Katalin |
Former Research Associate |
Transportology of ABCA1 |
Kumar Rai, Amit |
Former Postdoctoral Fellow |
Trafficking of ABCB11 |
Cserepes, Judit |
Former PhD Student |
Transportology of ABCG1 |
Erdélyi-Belle, Boglárka |
Former PhD Student |
Stem cell-derived liver cells |
Kasza, Ildikó |
Former PhD Student |
Transportology of ABCA1 |
Seres, László |
Former PhD Student |
Transportology of ABCG1 |
Fári, Karolina |
Former Fellow |
Trafficking of ABCG2 |
Kosóczki, Éva |
Former Fellow |
Role of proteasome function in multiple myeloma |
Német, Katalin |
senior research fellow |
As a PhD, we started cooperation with Balázs and András on ABC transporters in 2002. When somebody had a new gene of interest, came to ask us to establish an overexpressing cell line. ABCG2 was the real favorite topic, which appeared in most of the examined cells (stem cells). It provided fun and mystery for several co-workers to think of it. |
publications |
Tátrai, Péter |
former postdoc |
Várady, György |
former postdoc |
Ujhelly, Olga |
former PhD student |
Szepesi, Áron |
former PhD student |
Türk, Dóra |
former MsC student |
Varga, Nóra |
former MsC student |
Babenkó, Éva |
former MsC student |
Nerada, Zsuzsa |
former MsC student |
Németh, Timea |
former MsC student |
Matula, Zsolt |
former MsC student |
Vajda, Flóra |
fellow |
Bátkai, Monika |
former technician |
Szigeti, Anna |
former technician |
Bakki, Margit |
technician |
Orbán, Tamás |
Head of the Molecular Biology Group, Institute of Enzymology, RCNS HAS |
As a postdoctoral fellow, TO joined Balazs Sarkadi's group at the end of 2005, starting new research directions of DNS transposons and microRNAs. Rumors said that the only reason he was allowed to work with the Sleeping Beauty (SB) system was that the abbreviation of the transposon was identical to that of the group leader's name initials... but some say it's just fake news. Nevertheless, TO was kindly (?) asked to get involved also in the work on the ABCG2 transporter, as an excellent model (of course) for deciphering the transposon and the miRNA world... |
publications |
Schamberger, Anita |
postdoctoral fellow |
Kolacsek, Orsolya |
postdoctoral fellow |
Sándor, Sára |
postdoctoral fellow |
Krízsik, Virág |
PhD student |
Jordanidisz, Theodora |
PhD student |
Pergel, Enikő |
PhD student |
Fóthi, Ábel |
PhD student |
Wachtl, Gerda |
PhD student |
Tibori, Kinga |
MSc student |
Gál, Luca |
MSc student |
Némethy, Kornélia |
technician |
Sebestyén, Zsuzsanna |
technician |
Nagy, Zsuzsanna |
technician |
Chikhi, Melisa |
technician |
Laczka (Özvegy), Csilla |
Head of the OATP Research Group, Institute of Enzymology, RCNS HAS |
I joined the lab of András Váradi as an undergraduate student in the ’90s. Owing to the scientifically inspiring, friendly and supportive atmosphere I stayed as a PhD student. During my PhD I had the luck to be one of the first working on the newly cloned multidrug transporter, ABCG2. Although I benefited from the joined supervision by András and Balázs, my PhD and postdoctoral work was mainly directed by Balázs. Later, at Balázs’s suggestion, I started to work on Organic anion-transporters and established my (almost) independent research group. |
publications |
Bakos, Éva |
senior research fellow |
Patik, Izabel |
predoc |
Rigó, Réka |
PhD student |
Székely, Virág |
pre PhD student |
Német, Orsolya |
research fellow |
Szakács, Gergely |
Head of the MDR Research Group, Institute of Enzymology, RCNS HAS |
Tordai, Attila |
Director, Institute of Pathophysiology, Semmelweis University |
Várady, György |
Head of the FACS Laboratory |
Main field of interetst: ABC transporters, red blood cell biomarkers and cell sorting |
publications |
Szabó, Edit |
postdoctoral fellow |
Main field of interetst: ABC transporters and red blood cell biomarkers |
publications |
Csaplár, Marianna |
MSC student |
Kulin, Anna |
technician |
Zámbó, Boglárka |
PhD student, formerly belonged to the FACS labor |
Mózner, Orsolya |
MSC student, formerly belonged to the FACS labor |
Németh, Adrienn |
former fellow |
Váraljai, Renáta |
former fellow |
Nemes, Réka |
former fellow |
Karászi, Éva |
former head of the FACS Laboratory |
Megyeri, Tünde |
former fellow |
Ondrejó, Zoltán |
former fellow |
Welker, Ervin |
Head of the CRISPR Research Group, Institute of Enzymology, RCNS HAS |
Nyeste, Antal |
Kulcsár, Péter_István |
Tálas, András |
Czene, Bernadett |
Tóth, Eszter |
Huszár, Krisztina |
Szücsné, Pulinka_Ildikó |
Krausz, Sarah |
Weinhardt, Nóra |
Fetter, Dávid |
Szücs, Judit |
Bohár, Balázs |
Ligeti, Zoltán |
Vida, István |
Borsy, Adrienn |
Bencsura, Petra |
Orsolits, Barbara |
Baunoch, Judit |
Csendes, Brigitta |
Csiszovszki, Zsolt |
Major, Balázs |
Németh, Beáta |
Turgyán, Luca |
Saskőy, Márk |
Sturm, Ádám |
Holló, Zsolt |
former member |
Kovács, Tünde |
former member |
Magócsi, Mária |
former PI |
Müller, Mariann |
former member |
Papp, Béla |
former member |
Uher, Ferenc |
former PI |
Hegyi, Beáta |
former PhD student |
Kudlik, Gyöngyi |
former PhD student |
Ulrich, Olga |
former PhD student |